Sunday, December 29, 2013

Transition: Take 1

Night one:

  I don’t think I have previously shared but I have a very grueling schedule. I work 12 hours shifts with an hour commute on either side. I have to be at work at 6am on the days that I work, so that means I have to be up by 4:00am and out the door no later than 5am. That makes a return home time of 7pm. So on the back of this schedule, it doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for transitioning and schedule changes. When it comes to rocking the boat, I get extremely nervous on how this will affect our routine. Morning routines more so than night routines,  but routines just the same.

  So with this in mind, we decided to go ahead and take the plunge and put little miss in her crib. We figured it was time to put her in her own room. What’s that? Oh, you know, the awesome nursery that I agonized over for months trying to make it perfect.  Even though, I know this room was meant for her and the idea was to transition her before I went back to work, we (ok me), I just couldn’t wrap my head around kicking her out of our room yet. She was so small and I felt that she “needed” me to be next to her the whole time. Probably more so a case of me needing her than the other way round. So, yes,  the whole idea made me a bit nervous and uneasy.  She has been beside our bed since birth. All I have ever had to do was lean over and she was there. I could hear her soft breathing and was always reassured that she was ok.  That my baby girl was safe and all was right with the world. And when she was crying and the world wasn’t “right”, I could just roll over, grab her and work on “fixing” it.

  So once the decision was made, I just needed to “screw my courage to a sticking place” and get on with putting her in there.  So that’s what I did. 

After I got home from work, we went ahead with her normal night time routine. She got her medicine at 7. Then she played, ate, took her bath, and we went into my bedroom like we were going to bed. We fed one last time to make sure she was good and fed. I then took her into her nursery and began to rock her so that she would become drowsy. I sang her, her lullaby and I put her down in her crib on her back. Almost immediately, I saw O fully waking up, saying “what the heck is this?!” as she cried out in disagreement as to where she was laying her head.

        She ended up fussing for a little over an hour. She was changed, fed, meds given, Picked up,  Burped, Soothed, rocked, sang to, and when I was doing all of those things, she was content, drowsy and wanting to fall asleep. As soon as I laid her down, she woke back up and went back to fussing. Finally I just let her fuss it out. (Only assisting her when she actually started crying) She finally fell asleep at 10:00 after putting her to to bed in the crib at 8:30 pm. This broke my heart but it needed to be done. 

About 40 minutes later, she woke up crying. No, she woke up screaming. I went in there to grab her and she clung to me and I felt even worse. Did she think I abandoned her? My heart couldn’t take any more and she won that battle.  She fed and then promptly passed back out in my arms. I placed her in her rock n play and called it a night.

O: 1  Craftsy: 0 =/

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